The Scholarship Funds Will Hold 50/50 Raffle
Patriots, Porter Coutre (#55), EJ Vasiliadis (#24), Amari Williams (#3) are all Seniors playing in the Thanksgiving Day game.
press release: 11/11/2021
The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle is once again helping to cheer on the Concord-Carlisle High School football team by sponsoring a 50/50 raffle. The Scholarship Fund will sell tickets at the Patriots’ Thanksgiving Day football game against the Lexington Minutemen on November 25th at 10:00 am at Memorial Stadium, with the drawing at halftime. The winning ticket holder will receive half of the raffle sales and all net proceeds will be used by The Scholarship Fund to support need-based college scholarships for students who live in or have graduated from secondary school in Concord or Carlisle.
Travis Minor, Chair of The Scholarship Fund says of the event, “We are thrilled to be back in Memorial Stadium, and especially at the Thanksgiving Day game against Lexington. We hope the 50/50 raffle brings a little extra excitement to a wonderful morning.” In 2021, The Scholarship Fund awarded almost $280,000 in scholarships to students from Concord, Carlisle, and Boston; in the last 55 years, more than $3 million dollars has been awarded to over 1400 students.
Raffle pricing will be $1 for 1 ticket, $5 for 6 tickets and $10 for 15 tickets. For additional details about the raffle, contact Joe Laurin, Trustee of The Scholarship Fund, at For more information on The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle go to their website
For more information on The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle, visit