The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle Announces Its Officers and Trustees for the 2020-2021 Year
press release:9/25/2020
Due to the pandemic, currently our meetings are via Zoom not allowing our annual group board photograph. The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle 2020-2021 Board of Trustees: (top row) Bee Loprete, Priscilla White Sturges, Ken Anderson, Devra Feshbach-Meriney, Al Powers, (second row) Paul Ressler, Elaine DiCicco, Kathi Snook, Kathleen Reidy, Travis Minor, (third row) Molly Eberle, Steve Payne, Elaine Rabb, Kelly McIntosh, Hanna Bruno, (bottom row) Maura Kenneally Clark, Jeanne DeTemple, Phoebe Sturges, Joe Laurin. (Not pictured: Nick Carter, Lucy Miller, Ed Bernard, Tom Rutledge, Dorrie Bean and David Gould)
The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle is pleased to announce that the 2020-2021 Officers have been named. Rebecca (“Bee”) Loprete of Concord continues as Chair of the Board of Trustees, Devra Feshbach-Meriney of Concord will serve as Assistant Chair, Steve Payne of Salem, NH and formerly of Concord as Treasurer, Al Powers of Carlisle as Assistant Treasurer, and Elaine DiCicco of Concord as Secretary. Lucy Miller of Concord, Past Chair, is currently on leave for one year. This is an energetic group that shows strong leadership for The Scholarship Fund organization as we move forward into the new season. In addition, The Scholarship Fund is very pleased to introduce several new Associate Trustees.
Joe Laurin is a Massachusetts native, who lives in Concord with his wife and twin sons. Joe will be joining our Finance Committee and the Investment Committee. Joe is active with various Boston non profits and is COO of True Bearing Insights.
Kelly McIntosh is a native of Concord and a graduate of CCHS. She will be partnering with Kathleen Reidy running the “Shop and Support” fundraiser and as such will be a member of the Development Committee. Kelly currently works as a college counselor at Campus Bound in Lexington.
Steve Payne and his wife Diane came to Concord in 2000 until Steve’s career took him to New Hampshire in 2015. Steve is CFO of Next Level Now, Inc. in Portsmouth, NH, where he serves as Fractional CFO for six companies in NH and MA. He and Diane have two sons who graduated from CCHS in 2003 and 2007. Steve becomes our new Treasurer and will join the Finance and Investment committees.
Elaine Rabb has been an educator for over twenty years. She and her husband and daughter are Concord residents where she teaches English to grades 7-8 at Nashoba Brooks School. Elaine joined the board in January of 2020 and will be the new chair of the Donor Relations committee.
Kathleen Reidy is welcomed to the board to spearhead our annual “Shop and Support“ fundraiser. A resident of Concord since 2010, she has two children in the Concord Public Schools and is an active volunteer in the schools and with the local National Charity League. In her “Shop and Support” role, Kathleen will be a member of the Marketing Communications Committee.
Kathleen Snook is 23-year resident of Concord. She is the Director of the International High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling sponsored by COMAP, Inc. and is a former member of the Concord and Concord-Carlisle School Committees. Kathi and her husband Scott have five children, all of whom attended the Concord Public Schools and the Concord-Carlisle High School. She will be joining the Finance Committee.
Phoebe Sturges was born and raised in Concord, graduating from Concord-Carlisle in 2008. She is currently an account manager at FamilyID in Lexington and lives in Watertown. She will be joining our Marketing Communications Committee to oversee all social media and will be our new webmaster. Additionally, she will be a member of the Donor Relations committee.
The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle looks forward to a productive and successful 2020- 2021 season of activity and fundraising.
For more information on The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle go to their website