The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle Announces its Officers and Trustees for the 2019-20 Year
(back row) Priscilla Sturges, Paul Ressler, Maura Kenneally Clark, Hanna Bruno, Molly Eberle, Nick Carter, Al Powers – Assistant Treasurer, Julie Hagan, Lucy Miller
(front row) Devra Feshbach-Meriney, Jean DeTemple, Bee Loprete – Chair, Travis Minor – Assistant Chair, Elaine DiCicco
(not in photo: Ken Anderson, Ed Bernard, Dorrie Bean, Dave Gould, Welles Hatch – Treasurer, Janet Rhodes-Friedman, Tom Rutledge)
press release: 10/15/2019
The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle is pleased to announce that the 2019-2020 Executive Committee will remain the same as it was in our previous year. Rebecca (“Bee”) Loprete of Concord continues as Chair of the Board of Trustees, Travis Minor of Acton as Assistant Chair, Welles Hatch of Carlisle as Treasurer, Al Powers of Carlisle as Assistant Treasurer, Elaine DiCicco of Concord as Secretary and Lucy Miller of Concord will continue as Past Chair. This is a dynamic group showing consistent enthusiasm and leadership to The Scholarship Fund organization. In addition, The Scholarship Fund is very pleased to introduce one new Associate Trustee, Maura Kenneally Clark.
A resident of Concord and graduate of Concord Middle School and CCHS, Maura holds a BA in English from St. Anselm College and a M.A. in Technical and Professional Writing from Northeastern University. Maura’s passion for writing transferred to a multi-decade career of positions where she where she has written for the defense, hardware/software, bio-tech, and cyber security industries. Currently, she works for AppDynamics, a subsidiary of Cisco Systems, a company not only renowned for its global technology presence, but its extensive commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and philanthropic initiatives. Maura serves on the board of the Concord Friends of the Aging and with her husband Paul, are the proud parents of Charlie (CCHS 2020) and Faith Marie, future CCHS (2024). Maura credits her husband with inspiring her to promote academics initiatives given his establishment of endowed scholarships at Kenyon College, St. Anselm College, and Stonehill College.
The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle looks forward to a productive and successful 2019-20 season of activity and fundraising.