

Teresa (Teri) Hale served as a Trustee of the Scholarship Fund of Concord Carlisle for twelve years, and was an active member of the Awards Committee. Teri understood the positive role education could play in enabling a happy, successful, and full life, and was dedicated to helping students with financial need reach their goals. 

As a member of the Awards Committee, Teri worked with other trustees to allocate awards to applicants. For Teri, the most rewarding aspect of the process was reading the applications and interviewing the students to understand each student’s story. She was especially moved by students who had to overcome difficult life circumstances in order to move forward with their education. Whether the challenge was the long commute of a METCO student, an unemployed parent, or a family illness, Teri was always amazed by the strength and resilience of these students. The Teresa (Teri) D. Hale Memorial fund was established by her family and friends to help carry on work Teri believed was vitally important.